Divine Liturgy: Annunciation (Major Holy Day)
Divine liturgy for the Annunciation begins at 7 pm.
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Divine liturgy for the Annunciation begins at 7 pm.
Father Cassian will lead us in a study of the book of Daniel the prophet.
Join us for Stations of the Cross, which begins at 7pm.
This class is being offered specifically for inquirers and catechumens who would like to learn more about Orthodoxy.
Matins begins at 9:15. Divine Liturgy begins at 10.
Coffee hour to follow in the parish hall.
This class is being offered specifically for inquirers and catechumens who would like to learn more about Orthodoxy.
Matins begins at 9:15. Divine Liturgy begins at 10.
Covered dish brunch to follow in the parish hall.
Divine Liturgy begins at 7 pm.
Join us for Stations of the Cross, which begins at 7pm.
Today we’ll be making palm crosses, and also cleaning up the church in preparation for Holy Week.
This class is being offered specifically for inquirers and catechumens who would like to learn more about Orthodoxy.
Confessions can be heard earlier in the week by appointment.
Vespers is cancelled today.
Matins begins at 9:15. Divine Liturgy begins at 10.
The procession begins before liturgy, so be early to participate!
Coffee hour to follow in the parish hall.
Come join us for Divine Liturgy on Monday in Holy Week.
Come join us for Divine Liturgy on Tuesday in Holy Week.
Come join us for Divine Liturgy, which will include the Blessing of Oils, Holy Unction, and Tenebrae.
Join us for Divine Liturgy at 7 pm, which will include Paudelavium, the Stripping of the Altar, Compline, and Watch by the Altar of Repose.
Join us for Divine Liturgy at 7 pm, which will include Liturgy of the Presanctified, Veneration of the cross, and Compline.
Please join us to help set up the church and flowers for our Easter service.
This class is being offered specifically for inquirers and catechumens who would like to learn more about Orthodoxy.
Join us for the Paschal Vigil and the first Divine Liturgy of Easter. We will have a festive reception in the parish hall afterward.
(Note: No Matins service this morning.)
Divine Liturgy begins at 10. It will include the flowering of the Cross and the blessing of Easter baskets.
Afterward, join us for a festive covered dish brunch and Easter egg hunt.
Come join us for Divine Liturgy at 7 pm.
This class is being offered specifically for inquirers and catechumens who would like to learn more about Orthodoxy.
Confessions may be heard earlier in the week by appointment.
Matins begins at 9:15. Divine Liturgy begins at 10.
Coffee hour to follow in the parish hall.
Vestry following coffee hour.
This class is being offered specifically for inquirers and catechumens who would like to learn more about Orthodoxy.
Matins begins at 9:15. Divine Liturgy begins at 10.
Covered dish brunch to follow in the parish hall.
This class is being offered specifically for inquirers and catechumens who would like to learn more about Orthodoxy.
Matins begins at 9:15. Divine Liturgy begins at 10.
Coffee hour to follow in the parish hall.
This class is being offered specifically for inquirers and catechumens who would like to learn more about Orthodoxy.
Matins begins at 9:15. Divine Liturgy begins at 10.
Coffee hour to follow in the parish hall.
This class is being offered specifically for inquirers and catechumens who would like to learn more about Orthodoxy.
Matins begins at 9:15. Divine Liturgy begins at 10.
Coffee hour to follow in the parish hall.
This class is being offered specifically for inquirers and catechumens who would like to learn more about Orthodoxy.
Matins begins at 9:15. Divine Liturgy begins at 10.
Covered dish brunch to follow in the parish hall.
Matins begins at 9:15. Divine Liturgy begins at 10.
Coffee hour to follow in the parish hall.
Matins begins at 9:15. Divine Liturgy begins at 10.
Coffee hour to follow in the parish hall.
Matins begins at 9:15. Divine Liturgy begins at 10.
Coffee hour to follow in the parish hall.
Matins begins at 9:15. Divine Liturgy begins at 10.
Coffee hour to follow in the parish hall.
Matins begins at 9:15. Divine Liturgy begins at 10.
Covered dish brunch to follow in the parish hall.
Matins begins at 9:15. Divine Liturgy begins at 10.
Coffee hour to follow in the parish hall.
Matins begins at 9:15. Divine Liturgy begins at 10.
Covered dish brunch to follow in the parish hall.
Matins begins at 9:15. Divine Liturgy begins at 10.
Covered dish brunch to follow in the parish hall.
Matins begins at 9:15. Divine Liturgy begins at 10.
Covered dish brunch to follow in the parish hall.
Matins begins at 9:15. Divine Liturgy begins at 10.
Covered dish brunch to follow in the parish hall.
Matins begins at 9:15. Divine Liturgy begins at 10.
Covered dish brunch to follow in the parish hall.
Matins begins at 9:15. Divine Liturgy begins at 10.
Coffee hour to follow in the parish hall.
This class is being offered specifically for inquirers and catechumens who would like to learn more about Orthodoxy.
Divine liturgy begins at 7 pm.
Matins begins at 9:15. Divine Liturgy begins at 10.
Coffee hour to follow in the parish hall.
Vestry following coffee hour.
Ember days are days of abstinence in which we focus on prayer for those entering the priesthood.
Divine Liturgy begins at 7 pm.
This is also an Ember Day, which is a day of abstinence with a focus on prayer for those entering the priesthood.
Divine Liturgy begins at 7 pm.
This is also an Ember Day, which is a day of abstinence with a focus on prayer for those entering the priesthood.
Sunday of Orthodoxy Vespers will be held at 5 PM at Ss Michael and Gabriel Church in Apopka. Their address is 1809 Sheeler Ave in Apopka.
The Sunday of Orthodoxy is a feast day celebrated on the first Sunday of Great Lent. It commemorates the victory of the Orthodox faith over iconoclasm, a heresy that opposed the veneration of icons, and celebrates the return of icons to churches. You may wish to bring an icon, as a procession with icons is typically part of the service.
Matins begins at 9:15. Divine Liturgy begins at 10.
Coffee hour to follow in the parish hall.
Father Cassian will be out of town and so vespers is cancelled today.
Father Cassian will be out of town and so confessions will not be heard today. They can be heard by appointment earlier in the week.
Fasting begins at midnight.
The service begins at 7 pm and will include the Blessing and Imposition of the Ashes, Penitential Litany, and Divine Liturgy.
Confessions at 5 pm, then join us for a pancake supper beginning at 6 pm.
Matins begins at 9:15. Divine Liturgy begins at 10.
Covered dish brunch to follow in the parish hall.
Father Cassian is out of town, therefore we will have an extended Matins service, which begins at 10.
Coffee hour to follow in the parish hall.
Vespers is cancelled today, as Father Cassian will be out of town.
Confession is cancelled today, as Father Cassian is out of town.
Come join us as Father Cassian leads us through a study of the book of Daniel.
Matins begins at 9:15. Divine Liturgy begins at 10.
Coffee hour to follow in the parish hall.
Vestry meeting after coffee hour.
Vespers is cancelled today, as Father Cassian is out of town.
Confessions are cancelled today, as Father Cassian is out of town.
(Schedule shown may change. You may check the weekly bulletin, church Facebook, and Slack App for more regularly updated info.)